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Department Of English

Department Of English

New Sovereign Myanmar International Institute approach to internal evaluation emphasises using data and evidence as a springboard for responsive action and developing 'inquiry habits of mind' rather than on the recording of internal evaluation activities.

Exam Department Head

Exam Department

Examination Department The first purpose of assessment is to determine whether students have achieved the learning outcomes and fulfilled the academic requirements of the course and of the modules within it, (as stated in the course specification and in t

Head Department Of English

Head Department Of English

Summary for Dean of Students Offering more than 25 years of progressive experience in leading and managing student affairs, policies, and initiatives to promote student growth and achievement. Senior leadership experience serving more than 10K students ac

Admission Officer

Office of Admission

Objective : Professional with a unique combination of development/managing training, application support, and technical training experience. Adept at translating technical information through easy-to-learn delivery. Qualifications include a balanced combi

CEO Message


CEO Message Empowering the students with quality education in a wider horizon is the mission we embrace at Global. As the Chairman of Global Educational Consultancy, I am privileged to be a part of the education scenario today. Understanding the competiti