Online Classes Announcement

- Posted by graceit_admin
- Posted in Announcement
Choose the best online English classes for you
We offer comprehensive online English classes focusing on more than just grammar and vocabulary. Our general online English language courses cover useful topics like ‘Life abroad’ while our Business English courses focus on practical business skills such as ‘Interacting with your boss and colleagues’ so you can learn to speak confidently in any situation.
1.Speak English Professionally by Mr. Heart Shine
It is a fact that speaking English has become an essential skill required in communicating in the professional world. So if you want to work on your speaking skills then this course is one of the best options available. Begin by learning how to make a strong and impactful introduction followed by the techniques required to ace group discussions and sales pitches by articulating and summarizing your ideas and opinions clearly. Apart from this understand how to respond and provide the information requested on the phone. By the end of the classes, you will have developed the apt tone and Body Language that will portray you in a positive light in the workplace.
2. English Speaking Courses and Classes Online New Sovereign Myanmar
If you are thinking about improving your skills in English then this e-learning platform brings to you an array of options to choose from. Irrespective of your current level of proficiency in the area, there is something for everybody. In these classes, you can choose to upgrade your pronunciation, listening or speaking skills, improve your grammar, learn proper formal etiquettes or even begin with the very basics. Use the filters available to narrow down your choices and find the program that suits you the best.
– For beginner level courses no prerequisite is required to enroll in the program.
– Get a deeper understanding of the structure of English grammar.
– Articulate and communicate your ideas and opinions confidently.
3. English Communication Skills by Heart Shine
This specialization is designed to provide you an experience of improving your all round English communication skill in the professional world. The series of courses in this program focus on each of the pillars of communication namely writing, speaking, presentations and networking. The lecture will prepare you to interact confidently with potential partners, employees, employers.After the completion of the specialization, you will be prepared to take your career to the next level and accomplish your goals.
– As this is a beginner level program, therefore, no prior experience is necessary to enroll.
– Articulate and convey your message appropriately by writing effective emails.
– Improve your speaking skills via various mediums namely in person, online and phone.
– Create an ePortfolio to showcase your work, resume, experience and more.
– In the capstone project, you will get the opportunity to integrate all the skills covered throughout the lectures and apply them in real life scenarios.
– The classes allow you to set your deadlines and maintain the flexibility.
4. Speak Better English by Heart Shine
On this platform, you will get both groups and private classes for different types of English speaking programs. In the group sessions, you will get the opportunity to interact with native as well as English speakers from around the world and practice the skills covered in the lectures. Whereas in the individual lessons you will get mentors who focus on your progress and customize the successive lessons accordingly. Ranging from level A1 to C2the content is designed in increasing level of difficulty. By the time you finish the C2 level of courses, your skills will be on par with that of a native speaker.
– The classes are taught by native speakers.
– Work on common mistakes and subtle factors such as pronunciation.
– There are materials and programs available to prepare for the language exams.
– Complete all the graded assessments to earn the certification and enhance your resume.
– Clarify your doubts by consulting with the personal adviser assigned to you.
5. English Speaking Certificates & Programs
New Sovereign Myanmar has compiled a list of 50+ courses and certifications that will allow you to work on your oral skills in English. The options are categorized based on the level of difficulty namely beginner, intermediate and advanced. You can choose from programs such as academic speaking, business scenarios, interviewing with success, communication skills for university and more. By the end of your chosen certification, you will be confident in communicating effectively.
– No prior experience is required to enroll in the beginner level programs.
– Take your pick from specializations, certifications, and individual courses.
– Learn from the experiences of the instructors and incorporate them into your communication habits.
– The fun and interactive lessons make it an enriching experience.
– Learn the strategies to understand other people’s meanings and express yourself effectively.